About the Website

Website editor

This is the website of the Centre pour le développement des apprentissages Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa (CDA).

The aim of this site is to provide access to the CDAs missions and the services offered by the CDA, as well as information on advanced training in the field of learning disorders.

It is published by the Centre pour le développement des apprentissages Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa.

This site is not a static site; it is subject to a continuous process of updating and quality control.

If you have any questions about this site and its content, please contact us at info@cc-cda.lu.

Consult the terms and conditions page for legal notices and information on hosting this site.




5, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen



Reception / Information:

Tel.: 247 65103 / 247 65123
Email: info@cc-cda.lu 



Troisième Lieu:

Tel.: 247 65141 / 247 65141
Email: troisiemelieu@cc-cda.lu

Press contact:

Myriam Bamberg
Tel.: 247 85252
Email: press@men.lu
