Resource library – Troisième Lieu

The CDA’s resource library, Troisième Lieu, will be closed to the public from Tuesday, 23 July to Sunday, 1 September 2024 to carry out the annual inventory of the collection.

Please return your loans by Friday, 19 July 2024 at the latest. Loans can be returned either at the reception desk or by depositing the borrowed material in the return box at the entrance to the CDA.

Organisation of the Troisième Lieu

The CDA is also home to a resource library – Troisième Lieu, which is based on four pillars: a library, a toolbox, a “test-library” and personal counselling. It is primarily aimed at professionals in the school environment, but also at people with learning disorders (dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD) or a related disorder (dyspraxia, etc.), their relatives and anyone else interested.


  • Wide range of specialist literature;
  • Various scientific journals and periodicals;

You can borrow most of the documents for four weeks or consult them on site.


A collection of didactic material (books, learning games and learning programmes) is at your disposal. This can make it much easier for you to adapt the care and guidance of pupils with special needs.


The “Test-library” is accessible to a restricted public. Only qualified and accredited members of social pedagogical professions can view all measuring and assessment instruments.

To view the “Test-library” inventory, please make an appointment in advance:

Personal counselling

However, the Troisième Lieu is more than just a library:

  • We also offer personal advice tailored to your needs and focused on a pre-determined subject.
  • We organise literary afternoons and other book-related activities.
  • The premises can also be used by educational teams as a meeting place, for meetings or consultations to develop a school project or expand the school library.

Why the name “Troisième Lieu” (Third Place)?

According to the American sociologist Ray Oldenburg, three places can be distinguished:

  • The first is the home;
  • The second is the workplace;
  • And the third is the meeting place where social bonds are formed.

The third place can be characterised as a marketplace where all people can meet and talk to each other on equal terms, without social hierarchy.

We wanted to create such a meeting place for professionals in the school environment, where people can exchange ideas and draw new strength, develop or consolidate projects.

So, come by, discover our fundus and enjoy a moment among peers.

How can I borrow material?

Come visit us on site.

Send us an e-mail to for further information.

Also have a look at the catalogue of the libraries of the network.

If you would like to make an appointment with one of our specialists for personal counselling on how to choose the right literature or teaching material, send us an e-mail with detailed information about your needs to:

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Read more…

Counselling, Guidance

Advanced training, Coaching




5, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen



Reception / Information:

Tel.: 247 65103 / 247 65123



Troisième Lieu:

Tel.: 247 65141 / 247 65141

Press contact:

Myriam Bamberg
Tel.: 247 85252
