Extracurricular and support groups

In addition to specific individual support, the student can also participate in extracurricular groups. In small groups of 4 to 6 pupils, work is done on predefined topics (example: concentration, self-esteem, relaxation, etc.). Support groups for secondary school students are also offered in various subjects (mathematics, German, French, English).

When analysing the pupil’s file, we assess the benefits that such a group could have for the child or young person. We then consult with the student and/or their parents about enrolment.

As a rule, this type of support takes place regularly, e.g. once a week at a pre-determined time. The extracurricular groups and the support groups are usually led by two members of our multidisciplinary team.




5, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen



Reception / Information:

Tel.: 247 65103 / 247 65123
Email: info@cc-cda.lu 



Troisième Lieu:

Tel.: 247 65141 / 247 65141
Email: troisiemelieu@cc-cda.lu

Press contact:

Myriam Bamberg
Tel.: 247 85252
Email: press@men.lu
