
In these videos, people with a diagnosed learning disorder, their relatives and professionals talk about their background and experiences.

Sarah’s testimonial: “Diagnosis and clarity in adulthood – Diagnos a Kloerheet am Erwuessenenalter”

Laura’s testimonial: “Liewe mat Dyslexie”

Marc’s testimonial, he is a teacher for pupils with special needs

Nick’s testimonial, he was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult

Lili, diagnosed with ADHD, and her parents’ testimonial





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L-1445 Strassen



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Tel.: 247 65103 / 247 65123
Email: info@cc-cda.lu 



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Tel.: 247 65141 / 247 65141
Email: troisiemelieu@cc-cda.lu

Press contact:

Myriam Bamberg
Tel.: 247 85252
Email: press@men.lu
