Research and development

The diagnosis of a learning disorder (dyslexia, dysorthography, dyscalculia) is not always easy. We know this as well as the pupils who suffer from it, their families and their teachers.

In a context like that of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – multilingual and multicultural – it is particularly difficult. Moreover, since there are no standardised tests tailored to this specific context, the task is even more difficult.

The CDA is therefore actively involved in research on this topic. Together with the University of Luxembourg, we have launched an ambitious project aimed at developing new tests or adapting them to the Luxembourg context and standardising internationally recognised tests.

The first product of this project is a reference guide which analyses the current situation of standardised tests used in primary school regions and aims to facilitate their use by professionals in the field (psychologists, pedagogues, speech and occupational therapists). The reference guide also contains more practical chapters, written in collaboration with CDA’s specialists, which address a whole range of support measures for pupils.

Download the guide ” Lernstörungen im multilingualen Kontext: Diagnose und Hilfestellung “.

Thanks to the conclusions drawn from this analysis, the second phase of our collaboration with the University of Luxembourg has been launched: The development of new tests has begun.




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Myriam Bamberg
Tel.: 247 85252
