Our vision
Our vision is that every child is given the chance to develop according to their abilities and to reach their full potential – both in the school environment and in the social environment.
In this sense, we primarily support the professional and personal development of professionals in the school environment.
Our Values
Promoting inclusion
We are convinced that the inclusion of pupils with special needs is of utmost importance and essential for the development of their academic and social competences.
Promoting inclusion also means that we strive for equal opportunities by giving every student the opportunity to progress and develop their abilities at their own pace. We are committed to highlighting each student’s potential and celebrating their progress.
Cultivate professionalism
We prioritise coherence and continuity:
- In our interactions with children, young people, their families and their environment;
- In the selection of advanced training opportunities for professionals or the scientific research we follow and support;
- In our own further development through self-reflection, supervision and transparency.
Being proactive
We want to anticipate rather than react. To this end, we are proactive and are present in schools. Prevention is the key.
Collaboration goes beyond the relationship we have with the young people and their families. We also focus on a close connection with the school and out-of-school environment of the young people. Likewise, we aim to create effective and enriching synergies with our governmental and non-governmental partners as well as with the academic and scientific world.
Complementarity and subsidiarity are central and indispensable concepts that enable us to provide the best possible care for pupils with special needs.
Our mission
The CDA’s mission is twofold:
To support, inform and educate professionals from the educational and psychosocial sectors. To provide them with appropriate tools so they can support students to reach their potential regardless of their learning difficulties;
To support children and young people with learning difficulties who have failed to thrive in their existing school environment. To give those students skills and coping mechanisms to overcome their difficulties and reach their full potential in class.