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From April 2024, the CDA is offering training for parents of pupils aged 6 to 12 who attend the CDA. Thanks to the internationally recognised Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, parents have access to resources for managing everyday challenges. The aim is to support parents and encourage them to maintain a positive attitude towards their child(ren).
Many parents face challenges and discussions when their children have to do their homework, tidy their rooms or prepare their school bags. They are often faced with more and more conflicts.
The CDA’s parent training provides them with the knowledge to establish a positive relationship with their child and to fully understand their role. Using concrete examples and practical exercises, parents understand the impact they can have on their child’s behaviour and social and emotional development. In addition, the CDA trainers provide advice and recommendations on how to prevent and manage delicate situations.
The CDA’s Triple-P training is open to all parents who have one or more children supported by the CDA. No specific diagnosis is required beforehand. Training will be offered throughout the year, with the first session scheduled for 25 April 2024.
For more information, please email elterentraining@cc-cda.lu
First Triple-P parent training course:
Who is it for? Parents of children (aged 6-12), supervised at the CDA
Who? From April 2024, 4 sessions of 2 hours each
Where? At the CDA
Language? Luxembourgish
5, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tel.: 247 65141 / 247 65141
Email: troisiemelieu@cc-cda.lu
Myriam Bamberg
Tel.: 247 85252
Email: press@men.lu