The Kaligo School application in Luxembourg

In 2023, the CDA launched a handwriting learning application, Kaligo School, in collaboration with the Service de coordination de la recherche et de l’innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT) and the French start-up company Learn & Go.

The aim of the Kaligo School application is to make it easier to learn to write by hand from cycle 1 of primary school.  Using a tablet and a stylus, the application enables youngsters to trace letters and numbers and perform basic graphomotor exercises. Thanks to immediate feedback, pupils and their teacher know what needs to be worked on more deeply.

Thanks to features that enable teachers to easily differentiate their lessons, personalise exercises and adapt them to the needs of each pupil, they save precious time. By logging on with their IAM login via the website, teachers can monitor their pupils’ progress and identify their strengths and weaknesses. What’s more, in the “teacher area”, they can set parameters (font, letter spacing, etc.) for the whole class or for a particular pupil. In this area, they will also find the ‘Kaligo-library’, which contains over 400 sessions and exercises based on the Luxembourg curriculum and ready for use in class.

The application can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple Store and Google Play Store. To ensure that it is used correctly and to the benefit of pupils and teaching staff, advanced training courses, organised in conjunction with the Institut de formation de l’éducation nationale (IFEN), are offered throughout the schoolyear.

The Kaligo School application is the result of close collaboration between the CDA, SCRIPT and Learn & Go, which enabled the application to be adapted to the needs of the Luxembourg school system. In the first phase, around 75,000 letter tracings, written by pupils in several Luxembourg primary schools, were collected. In the second phase, the content of the application, already used in France and other countries, was adapted and additional functions were developed, consolidated and fine-tuned.

Download user guide

Listen to the podcast “Kaligo École – Freed um Schreiwen”




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