The Grand Duchess Maria Teresa Competence centre for learning development (CDA) is one of 9 competence centres launched by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth to support children and adolescents with special needs.
The CDA focusses on the support of children and young people with learning and/or attention difficulties and disorders.
We particularly address all students in the Luxembourg school system with:
- Reading disorders (example: dyslexia);
- Disorders of learning to write (example: dysorthographia);
- Numeracy disorders (example: dyscalculia).
As well as those with associated disorders such as:
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD;
- Memory disorders;
- Dyspraxia;
- Auditory and visual perception disorders;
- Sensory perception disorders.
This list is not exhaustive as every student is different and has individual characteristics.
We ensure a specific diagnosis and individual, time-limited support. We give the highest priority to inclusion, a fundamental right of every student. The children and young people are not taught in CDA classes. Instead, in cooperation with the pedagogical team as well as the ESEB / SePAS and the regional director or high school headmaster, a schooling project tailored to their needs is created and implemented. If necessary, we involve one or more other competence centres in order to be able to guarantee appropriate support.
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Target population
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